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Data Alike logo. Data Alike provides remote Back Office Assistance.

Remote Staffing Solutions

Looking to source a remote assistant, or build a virtual team? Our Remote Staffing Services deliver efficient & effective solutions

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Want to build a remote team, but unsure where to start? 

Share your vision with our contingency recruitment team, and we'll get to work sourcing the perfect candidates for you!

Hassle Free

Following a video consultation, our specialists will manage all aspects of the recruiting process. Simply communicate your needs, and we will handle the rest.

Experts in our Field

Our extensive knowledge of the remote sector sets us apart from the competition. We pride ourselves on being industry leaders, providing insights and solutions that are unmatched.

Time Efficient

We are dedicated to achieving exceptional results while conserving your time and resources. Our approach ensures purposeful and efficient actions for a seamless experience. 

 We connect you with skilled professionals who can seamlessly integrate into your workflow

Let us help you navigate this evolving landscape

How It Works 


Get in Touch

Arrange a meeting with our Remote Staffing Manager, so we can outline exactly what you're looking for.


Interview Candidates

After sourcing and interviewing candidates, we will present the best prospects for your consideration. This ensures you can interview confidently, knowing we have found suitable candidates.


Commence With Work

Once you've identified the team member(s) that fits your requirements, the next steps are in your hands. Our Remote Staffing team has fulfilled their role, ensuring you have the right talent to move forward.

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Remote Staffing On-demand

  • Discover our Remote Staffing solutions, designed for companies seeking reliable and skilled offshore talent.​

  • We simplify the hiring process, ensuring you can confidently build a virtual team that meets your needs.

  • Let us help you navigate the uncertainties of remote hiring with our expert recruitment services.

  • Experience peace of mind as you expand your workforce efficiently and effectively.

 Looking for something a bit more 'hands-off'?

Check out our managed services here

Data Technology

Get In Touch Today!

Book your consultation

Hiring  remote assistants has never been easier.

Take advantage of our Remote Staffing Services!

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