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Data Alike logo. Data Alike provides remote Back Office Assistance.

Professional & Certified 

Data Alike, offers professional outsourced bookkeeping services. Our team of certified bookkeepers will work with you to customise a plan that meets your specific needs and budget.

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What can our Virtual Bookkeepers do for you?

Expense Tracking
Accounts Payable/Receivable
Payroll Processing
Cash Flow Management
Inventory & Expense Management
Maintaining Financial Data
Report Preparation
General Ledger Preparation
Data Entry

Our Virtual Bookkeeping Services Make Life Easier

A Data Alike bookkeeper understands the importance of the timely and accurate completion of tasks.

        It Works at
                            Data Alike

Arrange a meeting with our Client Solutions Manager, so we can outline exactly what you're looking for.


Reach Out

Once the Client Solutions Manager has done their due diligence, they'll introduce you to your potential bookkeepers. After you've given your approval we can commence with the onboarding process.


Meet Your Bookkeeper(s)


Commence With Work

Our CSM and bookkeepers will work together to ensure that your projects are handled with the utmost care. We believe in keeping our clients updated throughout the process, as communication is key to a successful partnership.

Hiring a Virtual Bookkeeper

What our outsourced bookkeeping services offer.

Customised Solutions

We take pride in offering personalised solutions that cater to your unique requirements.

Mulitple Options

Whether you need an accountancy assistant or a complete team of  virtual bookkeepers, we've got you covered.

Certified & Experienced

Our virtual bookkeepers possess industry-recognised certifications and undergo regular training to ensure they stay abreast of the latest industry standards and practices.


Our solutions enable you to enhance your financial processes, freeing up your time to focus on expanding the business.

A person in a blue denim shirt using a calculator with a pile of coins and paperwork around him

QuickBooks Certified

Xero Certified

Bachelor's Degree or Higher

What sets us apart? 

Data Alike​

Unlike many of our competitors we provide:

  • An assigned Client Solutions Manager to supervise your virtual professionals.

  • Adpatable options - Part-time, and week-to-week packages available, with no long-term commitment necessary.

  • Regular monitoring of your virtual team with periodic updates & reports provided.

  • Considered matching - we take great care in only providing Bookkeepers who have the skills that suit your needs.

  • A straightforward and swift onboarding process thanks to our team's proficiency.

Data Technology

Get In Touch Today!

Book your consultation

Hiring a virtual bookkeeper has never been more straightforward.

Take advantage of our reliable  bookkeeping accounting services!

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